[OOC] Plotting / Permissions

Apr 17, 2019 21:40

What species is your character? Original. Human. (Or the Auldranti equivalent of human.)

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species? Yes.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense? He and Luke look eerily similar. Their bodies should appear identical (height, weight...), they should probably "feel" similar. Any testing would reveal that their DNA and all other genetic material are matching. (You'd almost think they were the same person.) He also has the same fonon frequency as both Luke and Lorelei (3.1415926535...).

What does your character's soul look like?/What color is your character's soul? I want to say it looks like a flame - a small flickering mass of yellows, oranges, reds... but with some darker strands of color creeping in. Like... ashes. With a face that matches this emoticon: >B|

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul? Asch is very proud. He might come off as a jerkwad sometimes, but he cares deeply about those he trusts and respects, and also cares a great deal about Auldrant as a whole. Despite his pride, Asch has self-esteem issues - he lost his home and family, his sword master kidnapped and replicated him against his will, and said replica eventually bested him in a duel. Despite how much he puts Luke down, Asch thinks of himself as the inferior one, and has difficulty trusting other people. He prefers to work alone.

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense? Asch, like most of the Abyssians, casts fonic artes (basically "magic"). He's also able to cause a hyperresonance, which can create or destroy matter by vibrating a bunch of seventh fonons (basically "sound particles") off of one another. If your character can sense vibrations in the air or power/magic, then I'm going to say yes.

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'? PMS...? Not that I can think of.

Can your character's thoughts be read? You could try...? Asch tends to be pretty closed off, but he does have the ability to open up a mental channel between Luke and himself, and while that channel's open, they can "mindspeak" at each other and understand one another's thoughts and emotions to a certain extent.

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy? Yes.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers? Yes.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow? Yes.

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Yes. Most of the time he's angry - that's a no-brainer.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up? Yeah. He tends to keep everyone at arm's length and stays fairly impersonal. It takes a lot for him to open up to people, and he generally... doesn't.

Can your character be mind-controlled? Yes, but ask permission first.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking? I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't result in a ton of "secret" information being revealed.

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character? Well, Asch would probably rather that anyone who doesn't already know of his connection to Luke not find out about it or any related details. (Although he has already stupidly referred to him out loud as "the replica". Asch also doesn't want anyone else to know who he originally was. The past is better left buried, so to speak, and he doesn't want to talk about it too much.

How do you feel about threadjacking? It's okay with me. If you're unsure, just ask.

What about spamming your posts? Uh, if you're deliberately trying to get a point across IC it's fine, but please no 50+ combos that will flood my inbox. X_X!!

How about sudden action threads? Fine with me.

Backtagging? GO AHEAD AND DO IT! :D

Can your character be imprisoned? Explain why/why not/when is appropriate.
He can be, but depending on the type of prison, he might be able to bust his way out using hyperresonance. Personal headcanon suggests that Asch doesn't take being on the inside of a cage very well.

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
It's okay to approach me about it, and I do ask that YOU ASK before hacking a private entry. |D Asch likes keeping his feelings under wraps, so hacking one of his entries could result in a big uproar, so to speak. Asch knows how to work technology fairly well. Jade comments once in the video game, when Asch activates a computer and brings up replica data: "Impressive. I doubt Luke could have handled this."

Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?
He hasn't died yet, but he believes he's dying. If he ever kicks the bucket, Luke would be able to pick up on it, as well as anyone who can already sense dying souls, fading existences, etc.

Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
I'd be willing to at least discuss it.

Experimentation on your character?
Ask/discuss first please. It would depend entirely on the nature of the experimentation, as it could have an impact on not only Asch, but Luke, and potentially other members of the Abyss cast. So there might be a lot of permissions involved. In general, though, Asch is very "do not want" when it comes to poking and prodding and being someone's test subject.

Affection, touchy-feely, shipping, etc?
Please notify me first if you're planning on making a serious move on Asch. Hugs and headpats are okay. Flirting would do little more than confuse or irritate him. Asch definitely wouldn't take advances well unless it was someone he trusted. Keyword: Trust. This guy knows about loyalty and respect but not so much about romance.

As far as shipping... I feel like I could probably play it out as long as it makes sense. I tend to prefer pairings within canon rather than cross-canon pairings.

In memes I'll roll with any kind of pairing, even crack pairings. My only thing is smut makes me a little uncomfortable so you may have to be satisfied with awkward fluff or fade-to-black. Sorry!

So what in canon do you actually ship? What ships do you like?
Asch/Natalia. Asch/Ginji, Asch/Luke if it is done really well. Maybe Asch/Noir. And I'm one of about ten people with an interest in Asch/Tear. Neutral towards Guy/Asch.

Trolling your character?
Go aheadish. Asch pretty much brings it on himself.

Feel free to contact me by whatever means work for you if you have questions, concerns, ideas, or would like to plot with me. I don't normally take the initiative to IM people, but I don't mind talking with them about RP or other random and mundane things. /o/ Contact info can be found in numerous locations, and PMs are also fine. It doesn't matter if I've played with you before or not, if I'm in a game with you or not, go ahead and hit me up!

AIM: Platinum Ryou
E-mail: nightcrossed[at]gmail[dot]com
Plurk: circadia
LJ: cherryfox
Skype: Ask me for it!


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