Massive Canon Review Part Two [Early Game]

Apr 03, 2011 17:50

The left column describes what the party was doing. The right column describes what Asch was doing at around the same time.

Luke Side Asch Side
Luke reflects on how boring life is in the manor and wishes for his freedom.
Asch reflects on what Van's plans might be. While in Daath he suffers one of his recurring headaches and is joined by Arietta. Together they meet up with the others and Van.
Van visits the manor to inform Duke Fabre that Ion is missing. Luke begs for one final training session together. While training, Tear infiltrates the manor and she along with Luke are transported to Tataroo Valley via an incomplete hyperresonance.
Asch and the other God-Generals receive orders from Mohs to overtake the Malkuth landship carrying Fon Master Ion and to retrieve him. They head to a Malkuth army post to obtain its location; ordered to kill anyone who sees them.
Luke and Tear travel to Engeve via coach. There they meet up with Jade, Ion, and Anise. Later at the Cheagle Woods they are joined by Mieu and taken aboard the Tartarus for questioning.
After locating the Tartarus, they pursue it on griffin-back and stage their attack - using the griffins and ligers as a decoy to infiltrate the ship. Legretta, Largo, Arietta and Asch make up the frontline. Dist and Sync stay on ground.
Jade faces off against Largo after Largo uses Luke as a hostage; Jade has his fon slots sealed while Largo is incapacitated. Anise runs off to find Ion. Jade along with Tear and Luke attempt to reclaim control of the Tartarus. Luke is left on deck, there he ends up killing an Oracle soldier and freaks out. Jade and Tear hurry back to see what happened.
Asch is left in charge of holding the bridge while Legretta goes to find Largo. She reminds him that Van's orders take precedence. While waiting, Asch hears a loud noise and sees his replica. Angered by what he sees, Asch attacks Luke and the others - missing Jade who gets a good look at his face. Asch gives the order to kill but is stopped by Legretta. Instead, he has his men lock them up.
Jade, Luke, and Tear manage to escape and shut down the Tartarus. They fight against Legretta and manage to overtake the God-Generals with Guy's help.
During the fight, Asch remains inside the Tartarus and observes the fighting.
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