[OOC] Fonon Contamination, Hyperresonance & Misc.Technobabble

May 27, 2010 16:58

Hyperresonance is what occurs when two seventh fonons interact. It is said to have the ability to create or destroy matter, however, the power itself is too dangerous and unpredictable to use in battle.

Occurs when two hyperresonances interact and is said to be able to neutralize the effects of any fonon. The only person known to perform a second-order hyperresonance is Luke, and he was able to do so only after Asch's power flowed into him. Luke's hyperresonance + Asch's hyperresonance led to the creation of a second-order hyperresonance.



[PART 1]

LUKE: What’s with that guy? What an idiot.
GUY: ...Luke, don’t talk like that. What he did was wrong, but he
doesn’t deserve to be mocked for it.
LUKE: Huh. If you say so. Anyway, Jade, there’s something I’ve been
wanting to know.
JADE: ...What is it?
LUKE: Your spear just suddenly comes out of nowhere. How does that
JADE: It’s a fusion arte that utilizes the contamination effect.
LUKE: The contami-what?
TEAR: The contamination effect. It’s an effect where the fonons and
elements of matter separate and refuse together.
GUY: Ah, like the fusion property materials used in synthesis.
JADE: Yes. Not only are the fonons in living things and inorganic
materials different, but so are the elements that comprise them.
Utilizing that difference, I temporarily fuse my spear into the
outer layer of my right arm.
LUKE: And then you take it out when you need it, huh? That’s
TEAR: Don’t say you want to try it, too, Luke. Normally, the body
rejects the effect, and it can cause mental damage, even
GUY: Yeah. It takes an old man like this one to use it.
JADE: Yes. Over the course of mastering it, I’ve become an old man.
Hah hah hah. Now, shall we be going?

[PART 2]

JADE: Star, are you an original? A replica test subject?
STAR: Yes.
JADE: Did they make a replica--a copy of you?
STAR: Yes. An icky man named Dist did it to me.
JADE: I thought so. And when was this?
STAR: About half a year ago, I think.
JADE: If he learned at Choral Castle that Luke and Asch are perfect isofons, then the timing matches...
JADE: One last thing. What happened to the other you?
STAR: ...I think he died.
JADE: ...You think?
STAR: Actually, I died once. And then after that, I felt something flow into me, and then I wasn’t dead. And then the other me was gone.
JADE: (!)
JADE: Does this mean Dist completed the perfect isofon research? Then those research results weren’t just a coincidence...? Mieu, you mustn’t tell anyone what you heard here.
MIEU: Mieuu? Even if I wanted to, I don’t understand any of it...

[PART 3]

JADE: This probably happened before you started helping us, but did Asch come here to talk to you?
JADE: Most likely to ask about the experiments Dist was performing in Ortion Cavern.
SPINOZA: ...Yes, he did. It seems he learned at Choral Castle that he and Luke were not merely isofons, but perfect isofons.
JADE: And thus, he wondered if the cheagles in Ortion Cavern were perfect isofons, just like him.
SPINOZA: Yes...and he was correct. Based on your theories, Dr. Neis recreated the accident that occurred when Luke was made. He
managed to succeed in creating a perfect isofon, but after that, the fon machinery broke down, and the recreation data was lost.
JADE: Did Asch ask about the toll on the original when a perfect isofon is born?
JADE: Then, did you explain the gradual emission effect caused by fonon separation?
SPINOZA: A technical explanation would be beyond a layman, so I just told him that his physical and fonic strength would gradually decrease as he approached the time of the big bang.
JADE: That may have led him to misunderstand.
SPINOZA: Misunderstand?
JADE: Nothing. I’ve just finally realized the reason behind his reckless behavior. Though I imagine it’s already too late.

[JADE goes outside.]

LUKE: Finished already?
JADE: Luke, in all the research I’ve performed, I’ve pretty much never been wrong.
LUKE: What the? Are you bragging?
JADE: ...Mmm, perhaps. But this time I do hope that the answer I’ve produced is incorrect.
LUKE: Um, okay...?
JADE: You have a habit of doing things beyond what I predict, so just maybe...
All: (?)

[PART 4]

DIST: ...What do you want? Have you come to laugh at the pathetic sight of your old friend?
JADE: Asch has died.
DIST: (!)
DIST: The big bang?
JADE: ...If you’re asking that, I presume that means it was nearly time for Asch’s big bang?
DIST: Yes, and if you’re asking that, then it sounds like you’re saying Asch’s death was not caused by the big bang effect.
JADE: Correct. I see even you are intelligent enough to figure that out.
DIST: ...Regardless of what caused his death, at this point in time, we can assume the big bang had begun.
JADE: ...It may not have begun.
DIST: What is that supposed to mean?! You’re the one who finalized the theories on perfect isofons! Do you not believe your own
research?! The Jade that I knew--Jade the Golden Child--isn’t someone who would say something like that!
JADE: Please don’t give me disturbing nicknames.
DIST: Or is that replica that important to you? More than your best friend, Saphir?!
JADE: The dust on the floor has value compared to you.
DIST: Listen, Jade. The contamination effect cannot be prevented. Even with your talent.
JADE: I know that. You’re speaking to the person who failed to revive the dead. Fate cannot be changed.
DIST: ...His memories will remain.
JADE: No, nothing but his memories will remain.

[JADE goes outside.]

LUKE: What’s with that face, Jade? Something wrong?
JADE: Hmm? I was born with this face. It’s the handsome face of a pensive man, wouldn’t you say?
LUKE: ...Hah hah. That’s what I get for worrying about you.

fonon contamination, hyperresonance, replicas, ooc!, not done ugh, perfect isofons

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