splosh, sizzle, oink

Jul 03, 2006 00:35

My second river swim in less than a week this evening, as the water intake for Roe's engine cooling system got blocked at the point where the pipe goes through the hull side, more than a foot below the waterline where I could only locate and unblock it from in the water. It looked like bits of waterlily; what with that and the swans the other week, I'm beginning to wonder whether this "pastoral" lark isn't just a big con. Anyway, happily, we were a long way outside Cambridge so with any luck I won't get Weil's, and even more happily, it wasn't (eg) February. It wasn't nearly as pleasant as the afternoon I spent in and by the lovely warm Lot a few days ago, though!

To restore my strength, I ate barbecued sausages and drank tea. Then I followed mouse262's example in drawing a pig, with which I am foolishly pleased.
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