"To remain playful, a human then, is constantly exploring... Most amazingly, because of this, we are actually able to enter into the experience of another. Because [of] the wonder leading to the realization that I’m the one that is wondering. This way in which consciousness folds back on itself. 'I’m aware but I realize I am the one aware. And then I realize you are the same. So that your experience is the same as mine experience.' So because of the ability to remain in playful attitude in life, we can enter into empathy, in a way that is new in the history of life. So then play is connected to the profound ability to love, not just the kin that are nearby, but any other being, because we recognize on some deep level we’re the same. I think that all comes from play."
- Brian Swimme, Mathematical Cosmologist, on the quantum-physical concept of play
I love Adventure Time. It is descriptive, beautiful, tender, weird, and messed up and all of those things rolled up into one giant ball of wonderfulness. And it celebrates constant exploration and spontaneity--without knowing it, reflects the very idea of play coming forth, throwing oneself into an adventure of life. I think that adequately describes what play is. :)