Feb 22, 2006 20:39
Loverly weekend including Jessica visit, the Return of Natalie!, and a Batman Pinata flying through the tree while being dangled from the other apartments balcony! Plus West Wing, seals, and a visit from Rachel's family including her Dad's mini concert for Rachel and me on Monday night! It was an awesome break between 2nd midterms and the dreaded 3rd midterms of next week (DUN, DUN, DUN!). And it rained!
Last Bio Section before the midterm was crowded, but pretty short. I finished a whole half an hour before the end of class (meaning a got through two lectures on plants in about twenty minutes!). The rest of the time was devoted to going through the practice questions and trying to guess what is going to be on the exam. A repeat performance of the plant lecture is scheduled for Sunday night, when I help lead a pre midterm review session.
Anyways, tis time for O Chem and other such things. At least I'm through most of the problem set, practice exams, and feel ready for the exam on Tuesday. And I finally get to sign up for classes again on Friday. Tentative schedule involves metabolic biochem and/or structural biochem, biochem techniques lab, third quarter organic chemistry, and maybe some kind of bio elective. It depends upon which classes fill up by then.
Anyways, Toodles all!
o chem