Apr 08, 2009 00:42
[Golbez sounds... tired. More mentally tired than anything, as if he's been dealing with something rather stressing for a while now.] If anyone here is particularly close to Cecil Harvey or Kain Highwind, I would ask that you attempt to... cheer them up, a little bit. Kain in particular may not respond well at first, but I encourage trying nonetheless.
Edge, I haven't heard from you in a while. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to know how you're holding up under the current situation.
Valvalis, please do me a very big favor and don't speak to Kain at least until Rosa's been returned to us. I know you already try to avoid him, but under the circumstances I think redoubling your efforts in that department is advisable. Perhaps filtering your entries from him?
Is this all I can do? Such a terrible brother...
lousy kidnappings,
don't know what to do,
big bro is worried,
fail brother