Sep 17, 2013 07:58
I started a new audio book-'The Body' by Stephen Kind. So far I like it. I was only going to listen for a few minutes-ten, maybe fifteen. An hour and a half later and I hadn't stopped yet. Ahaha. It's been really good so far-I might finish it before I even get half way through my current read 'Wizard and Glass'. I hate to admit that this book has become less interesting for me-probably because I am finding other books that seem more interesting. I will try to get through this one though-already 31% done. MUST FINISH! I really dislike dropping books and I did like the series...but it's become dull now.
Today is day two in a series of five working days. Four of the five (including today) are 9:30-6 and one is 9:30 to 5. They are long days but hopefully we are busy enough that the time will fly. It seems as though we are busier since school started. My school has several post secondary education facilities so...that brings in a lot of 18+ people September-April. In comparison one month ago was much slower. :)