Just want to add something to sley's entry ;p

Aug 04, 2005 11:22

Speaking of slang Medan ama bahasa Indo yang 'sehat' itu, gua juga *dan bbrp temen* pernah ngalemin hal2 yang gituan.

My case
Jadi kan gua ada pesen taxi lewat telfon bbrp waktu yg lalu, sang driver tuh orang Malang *or Magelang gitu deh* Trus kan gua ga tau dong nomer platnya tuh berapa, takut salah naik yah tanya dulu : "Pak, BKnya berapa?" si bapaknya bingung.. bingung banget. dia jawabnya juga ngasal :"Iya.. mobilnya warnannya ijo.." LOL.. "Sori pak, maksud saya nomer platnya berapa?" "Oh... ******" :P

Another case of my friend's
Dia cowo medan sekolah di aussie, trus chatting di MSN ama anak jakarta.
temen nya : "da selesai ujian blon loe?"
temen gue : "gua sih uda siap..."
temen nya : "iya.. uda selesai blon?"
temen gue : "iye.. uda siap..."

heuaheuahuea.. gua juga baru tau kalo "siap" tuh arti aslinya "ready" instead of "finished" :P tapi di medan itu artinya uda selesai gituh..

other words..
di jakarta kan disebutin "kasur" yah, di medan disebutin "tilam"
trus di jkt tuh "pom bensin", di medan "galon" :P

uda.. kalo kepikiran baru ditambain lagi :P

Sekarang mau iseng2 ngisi quiz dulu.. *is meme the same as quiz?*

Randomly pick up your own 20 friends !!
1. actually_
2. pink_dolphin
3. aqualuna
4. arathalia
5. ce_no1
6. vitznau
7. disney_sea
8. flojack
9. goldenkiwi
10. hippiebubblez
11. invisiblethings
12. jjnara
13. juicypink
14. metathesis
15. moncha
16. nanachantique
17. nx_revival
18. obsess1onz
19. pankponk
20. polka_salsa

Who is #8 going out with?:
- isn't she still single? :D

Is #9 a boy or a girl?:
- def. a girl..

Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?:
- lesbians? :O

How about #18 and #4?
- i've just realized i have only 1 guy on my friend's list xD

What grade is #17 in?:
- last year of uni...

When was the last time you talked to #12?:
- we never talk through phone, sms or email. we only do replying comments on LJ. hehe.

What is #6's favorite band?:
- i think she never told us that.

Does #1 have any siblings?:
- yes

Would you ever date #3? :
- no. i don't wanna be a lesbo :P

Would you ever date #5?:
- no

Is #16 single? :
- yesh...

What's #15's last name? :
- 00psie.. i thought she never mentioned abt that

What's #10's middle name? :
- /idem/

What's #2's fantasy?:
- hahahah really no idea, sorry..

Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? :
- hahaha LOL

What school does #20 go to? :
- i don't know, i only know a university in the US of A

And #1:
- BiNus

Tell me a random fact about #7:
- She went to the same high school as I did. And now we're both residing in Kuala Lumpur but not in the same uni. She has one brother. hehe.

And #13:
- She's married. Comes from Indonesia and lives in Singapore. Has one daughter namely Vivien. Very cute :)

Hihi.. iseng2 aja sih.. dada.. uda mau ke kampus... ada kelas :)
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