The earth element rules the skeletal and eliminatory systems. The earth element is essential for growth, reproduction and repair of tissue. Earth signs tend toward weight problems, tumor growth or glandular disorder. Overeating and a diet of heavy foods create excess earth, which is aggravated by lack of exercise and sedentary habits. They often have beautiful strong teeth.
The earth signs have strong sense impressions and thrive on contact with the earth. Theirs is a strength of endurance and persistence. They are more resistant to transient colds and flu than fire or air signs.
Excess Earth
Excess earth is prone to heaviness in the body and sluggishness in the system, and the struggle to overcome inertia. Their digestion and metabolism are slow, increasing density of body tissue-i.e. thick skin, sclerosis, calcium deposits, tumors and increased body hair.
Take : fruit- salads, sprouts ,steamed vegetables with spices added, juices, soups and teas .
Avoid : heavier diets
Remedy : bitter tonics such as gentian or Swedish bitters, hot spices such as ginger, black pepper and cayenne