this weekend is going to kick ass

May 07, 2004 11:13

omg, i just got out of english class and that was unquestionably one of the most difficult finals EVER. everything i studied magically didn't appear on the test and the 15% of the study guide i didn't get to just so happened to be the entire exam. life sucks a lot right now. contrary to popular belief i actually have studied this semester in order to reach a 3.0 GPA, which i may still get but i wouldn't bet on it. i can't believe this school year has gone by so fast. i have done so much this year that time has just flown by. i miss hanging out with people i used to see all the time and have fun with, but you other mutha fuckers i'm not too sad about:p on a much more positive note i met this girl in english class who is rather attractive and appears to be nice too. if she actually has self respect and is intelligent i would be ecstatic because girls like that are way too few and far between; it would be refreshing to just be friends with someone like that. i wish i would have gone to that class more than i did. everyone around me was so friendly and this other girl always asked why i wasn't there when i did make my few appearances (and i don't even know her name, i'm so shitty). i guess you live and learn:/ for whatever god forsaken reason females have been rather flirtatious (yes, with me. i know it's hard to believe but just stick with me here, ok?) lately but they are always missing one of the 4 prerequisites. if i meet one more girl who is good looking, intelligent, nice, but has ZERO self respect i am going to punch her in the face. perhaps my standards are too high (though i don't believe they are), but i refuse to settle and have a relationship in which we share nothing more than a desire to have sex. yeah, i'm sure it's fun and all but the whole "morality" and "respect" thing come into play which immediately impedes any further consideration of such detrimental behavior. on another note, some friends and I will be having a kegger at the commons so if you wanna go- post, call me, IM me, just do something. I took my makeup test in sociology monday and got a 90 so I still have my "A" which will be put to work offsetting my other grades. Well, it's been fun boys and girls, but I have to go now, l8r.
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