my weekend was rather eventful if i may say so myself. friday night i went to this bomb ass party (eddy, you are the man) and got drunk as all hell. there were tons of hot bitches (attractive females, if you prefer) and a pretty good guy/girl ratio. i didn't know a ton of ppl there but i met a bunch of them and they are pretty cool. this guy dane(
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1) as far as the correspondence classes go, looks like you underestimated me, which is utterly insulting coming from you. so yeah, that "is just you" anyone who actually knows me knows what i'm capable of wouldn't assume i'm incapable of something you admitted is easy.
2) i have a penis, more testosterone then estrogen, etc etc. just cuz you got every orifice of your body pounded by a potential porn star doesn't mean i'm not a man. as far as hearing about "that"(?) and "feeling shame" i don't wtf you are talking about. are you attempting to insinuate that something happened which didn't???
3) when it comes to being owned brandon said it best, though brusque, we all could have OWNED you. me, jeff, brandon, chris, juan, and so on. chris was the "fortunate" one, errrr only one who pursued you. about the name being on your ass and having a pic taken, umm.....congratulations(?) way to be owned and have evidence after a breakup, good job, parents must be thrilled with their little girl.
4) in conclusion, i agree with one of your last comments. if i'm not mistaken you referred to yourself as a b***h, something we can all agree on.:)
......i would say "sorry, so so sorry" but you asked to be informed of things were/are. does it still sound like i lost it?
I'M NOT A F***ING SLUT! And not all of you guys could have OWNED me. You must want to be pursued to be successfully pursued and FYI, the only guy I wanted to be pursued by, took the hint. And contrary to believe, I never "liked" ANY of the other guys "in that way" EVER!!! Yes, not even Jeff. Y'all are all awesome to hang out with, don't get me wrong. But, once again, where did this come from? I didn't drag the guys into this discussion. This is about YOU not being able to OWN me, not them. And that leads me to wonder... what do you classify as you owning someone? Does that mean dissing them really badly or does that mean making them like you? I mean really, what does it mean. If it means making the like you (as in friends, of course) maybe you did have me owned... but you just f***ed that one up...
First off, I never claimed to have "owned" you, and in fact, contrary to the uttering of some, never claimed that you wanted my balls. Chris happens to be a great friend of mine, so just to make this point clear, even if I had thought something along those lines (which I don't), I certainly never would have said anything in such a way as to demean you or your relationship with chris. Therefore, no "owning".
Secondly, Anthony, stop dropping my name into arguments that don't concern me. I shouldn't need to clarify this, but apparently you don't seem to get the point. I'm your friend, that does not give you permission to use me as some tool to attack someone when I have no fucking clue as to why you're attacking that person in the first place.
As for Crystal's friendship, I actually value it, and not just for the occasional study help. I feel like we know each other rather well, and that is a foundation for a friendship that can be relied upon. I'm not saying I hang out with her or even talk to her that often, the simple fact is that we share a mutual friend who I have come to believe doesn't really want to keep the "friendship" part. Thats fine, i've moved on (quite nicely actually ;)). However, if I felt as though I needed something that Crystal could help me with, I would not hesitate to turn to her. I can only hope she holds the same trust in me, which is a trust you seem to be trying to destroy with your careless name-dropping Anthony.
I apologize that you have gotten dragged into this mess that has been created due to Anthony’s ego problem. It’s not your fault that Anthony believes he’s the “owner” or all or even thinks he owns me. I apologize that you were drug in, but it’s over now and I refuse to mention your name in any more of this #*$& as retaliation. As you are right about your relationship with Christopher… any of you guys “owning” me shouldn’t even be an issue, cause I’m was already claimed at one time ;-) by someone in the group. (Y’all found others of my group to have interest in- well, except Anthony, of course ;-)) Anthony’s the only one to be considered in this situation anyways since it’s battle to fight and not y’alls.
So, one again I apologize for your name getting thrown in this and want you to know I appreciate that fact that you took up for me. I also am glad that you value our friendship, for I do as well. Anyways, this one is for YOU not ANTHONY because me replying to that #*&$ is done and over with. Thanks for your help and keep in touch!
- Crystal
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