my kick ass roommate
my twin whore shelly bizzle
sisterhood fo life. two most important people in my life
brandon, my best guy friend and love for eternity.<3
nate, my badass and my homecoming lover <3 <3
my boys...i will never have better times then i did with them at practices and being their boss
marky mark forever
kara my new best friend from kendall and being nice to lend me my homecoming dress and a ton of other shit cuz she rocks
tommy cuz he gives me diseases and visits me in grand rapids :D
jay mother fuckin lovelady
blake cuz he's my new lady date.
bradford cuz he likes boys and sings to me on the phone when hes drunk.
and last but not least, goran cuz he has the biggest obsession with david hasselhoff and leaves me sweet messages every night