May 15, 2005 09:29
Im hating life right now. I hate parents i hate everything..Except Kirstie...she always helps me through stuff im going through....ok heres the story the other night i got on the internet on my phone and left it on but it signed off after like 20 mins cuz i fell asleep and my mom saw it in the morning and said shes getting me prepaid...The only person i talk to is Kirstie and she doesnt have a home phone so now i cant talk to her or i will waste my mins as my mom says...She is such a btich...and she said i called her a liar so now i cant go to woodland. She makes all this crap up to put me down..y the hell would i call her a liar....i said i never called her a liar and she said well u assumed it she just made that up i know it cuz she said well and when ever she lies she says well. lol yea...but shes taking my phone and i was scared of not seeing kirstie but now im scared of not talking to her either.. o my mom also say i talk to much on my phone...but its mobile to i bet u guys by the end of the day i will be grounded but u know what i dont care at all...cuz i will run away and i cannot wait till i go to my dads... the pluses of dads
+See kirstie alot
+skate at woodland alot
+see me dad and brothers
+hXc skating
Pluses at moms
+skate 24/7
+see kirstie some
-never be home
Sometimes my dads does seem like a good thing