SUPERNATURAL. YOU ARE BACK AND MY LIFE IS WHOLE AGAIN. At least for the next 3 weeks, anyway. *cries*
This episode grossed me out like SPN has never grossed me out before. Now for the next week I'll be thinking about that every time I brush my teeth. I'm just glad I don't like hamburgers.
Detectives Bach and Turner!! XD
Sam wasn't 100% Sam this week. More like, 75%. Usually when Dean will get worried about Sam changing into something evil, I don't agree that it's a problem. Like with shooting Jake, or Casey and the priest, there were all good reasons behind that. But this time it was different, especially when he said towards the beginning of the episode that they needed to end the witches, and he was all crazy and there weren't any good reasons behind it. It's the first time I actually, honestly thought that maybe he isn't completely Sam anymore. I'm both worried and hot about that at the same time. Because Sam being a badass and counting backwards to the three witches was...oddly sexy. Supernatural tends to give me conflicting emotions.
"Poor little guy." OH DEAN. I also had to laugh when they showed the witch who died first from underneath the coffee table because her boobs were all squashed against the glass. *is 12*
OMG RUBY. Why would she tell Sam she could save Dean when she can't?!?! And I may have cried a little when Ruby said they had to prepare Sam to fight alone. DEAN CANNOT DIE. Sam + Dean 4EVER. And I keep hoping that Sam and Dean will just completely breakdown, with lots of crying and hugging. Is that bad?
Also, the reveal of Ruby's past wasn't as shocking as I thought it was gonna be. I mean, we already know she's a demon. So we basically just learned she's hundreds of years old and was human once? Maybe I missed something, I do tend to be a little stupid during new episodes.
Poor Dean, Jesus. I had seen the clip a few days ago online and after freaking out for a few minutes had jokingly said he was coughing up a lung, but apparently that's what he was really doing.
Well, I know I'm missing things because I didn't write anything down and my memory is for crap. Maybe I'll do a review tomorrow. Next week looks awesome, though. Demon!Dean especially, even though it looked like that was part of a dream, and Bobby is always awesome.