Sorry for the extreme lack of updates lately! Honestly, there's been almost nothing to write about.
I think I'm sick. But it's like I can't really tell because I'll feel better for a while and then go back to feeling sick. Make up your mind, self.
I ordered some of the stuff off of my amazon wishlist a few days ago that I'll be getting as Christmas presents. My brother and I are each getting one of the first two seasons of the X-files, and I got a bunch of SPN stuff, like the novels and the calendar that I couldn't find anywhere else. A few things have shipped already, but none of the SPN things yet. Oh well.
jenniferkaos. =)
1. Which Winchester would you want to be and why?
A: Dean, so I could look at Sam all day long and talk to him and stuff. Kind of weird, really. I don't know how to word that so it doesn't come out weird.
2. Do you prefer a shotgun or handgun?
A: Probably a shotgun.
3. Rocksalt or Goofer Dust?
A: Rocksalt!
4. Do you think Dean Winchester will ever settle down?
A: I hope so. I really think he wants to, he just can't right now.
5. Purple Nurples or Beer?
A: I hate beer, so purple nurples it is!
7. Let's say you had a chance to sleep with Sam Winchester, but you know you'll die afterwards. Will you still do it?
A: How bad is it that my mind just screamed "YES!"? I don't know. Would I still die if we just made out for a while?
8. Bela or Ruby?
A: Bela.
9. "Nightshifter" or "Born Under A Bad Sign"?
A: Born Under A Bad Sign! Evil!Sam, RAWR.
10. Who's your favorite Winchester enemy? Gordon or Agent Henrickson?
A: I don't like either very much, but I like Gordon better.
11. A Winchester in boxers or briefs?
A: Boxers. Or, you know, nothing. heh
12. Would you rather fight Vampires or Werewolves?
A: Vampires would be slightly less scary face-to-face.
13. Let's say you just got a new puppy. What "Supernatural" related name would you give it?
A: I did just get a new puppy! lol And Sam was definitely one of the names I considered for him.
14.Sam Or Dean?
A: Sam if I had to pick, but I love Dean, too.
15.Bobby or Ash?
A: I can't pick between those two! They're both made of awesome.
16.Evil!Sam or Evil!Dean?
A: Now that's a tough question. Evil!Sam wins by a teeny little margin.
17.If you could bring 1 character back from their Death,who would it Be & why...
A: Ash, Andy and Ava all come to mind. But probably Ash, because I loved him. Every time I see a mullet I still get a little sad. Which thankfully isn't often.
18.What other show would a crossover be funny with?
A: The X-files!
19.Fave guest star?
A: AVA! But that's also by a pretty small margin because there are like 5 other people that are right up there.
20.Fave Baddie ,like Ever ?
A: I'd say the YED.