Aug 04, 2008 18:47
I've been thinking... Why do people always talk about pinching themselves to find out if they're dreaming or not? Dreams generally seem rather realistic for me. At least, I can't recall ever thinking, "hey... this is a dream, right?" And if the dream feels realistic at the time, why would you not necessarily feel pain by pinching yourself anyway? And if you really are aware that you're dreaming... why would you need to pinch yourself to make sure? Sounds a little ridiculous to me, anyway.
So, it's been a while since I've posted anything, because I am damn lazy, and a bit too hooked on fanfiction, apparently. Which fits in with the laziness 'cause I can read & multitask without leaving my computer. Ta-da!
Let's see what news I have...
Grandma: She got a staph infection in the hospital, got prescribed some pills that would have cost $1500 for just 20 of 'em. Doctor apparently didn't expect that. As she'd already left the hospital, the doctor had shots injected intravenously instead, much less cost (I believe..medicare or whatever grandma's on would cover it) and someone just had to take grandma to a nearer hospital every day for two weeks. Staph infection is gone now. Except she's since been diagnosed with an infection of some sort in one of her heart valves. Heh.
College: It starts in a couple weeks. My last day of work is the 13th, move into the dorms on the 16th, and classes start on the 20th. Can I haz freakout now? XD I feel so not ready. Too little free time, too lazy, too hot during the day and I watch TV at night. Yeah, I'm not getting any more ready at this rate.
My sister plans on taking over my room when I leave, so I'll have to get that cleaned up as well as pack stuff.
I got a post card recently telling me about the orientation stuff on move-in day, and what my orientation class name is. ("Blue Giants" ...) There's to be the orientation thing... which sounds like its a kinda party thing intended for getting to know the other freshman or whatever. And then a dance more or less right after that. Random fact: I've never been to anything calling itself a dance, before. And that has me... mildly nervous. Ah well, I'll manage. Just.. weird. I'm feeling like I'll be so out of my element. Nothing like a shove to get you me to try new things, eh?