Pictures & Random Conversation (not in that order)
Firstly, conversation of me being random while playing Albatross 18 with my sister and her guild leader....
Doxxy : That tree is real.
CKness : no it snot
CKness : its not* xD
Doxxy : Yes it is.
CKness : figment!
Doxxy : Hardly!
KuroKyosuke : eep
Doxxy : O_O
CKness : totally figmental!
CKness : I hit air
CKness : :D
Doxxy : XD
Doxxy : alot of hair.
CKness : no AIR
CKness : not HAIR
Doxxy : Maybe the AIR isn't real? Maybe the
CKness : the clouds are not made of hair
Doxxy : HAIR is!
CKness : they're made of marshmallows
Doxxy : XD
KuroKyosuke : marshmallows and dreams
KuroKyosuke : :|
Doxxy : I thought you said you hit air?
CKness : sadly we can't pick them out of the sky
Doxxy : not clouds.
CKness : its not easy to harvest them, you know
Doxxy : I had a cherry today.
CKness : clouds are wild marshmallows
KuroKyosuke : that give you bad dreams
CKness : not like the commercially grown ones
CKness : that you buy in the store
And back to the hair again...
Doxxy : are trees made out of hair?
Doxxy : *wonders ir Kuro's alive*
Doxxy : if*
CKness : question is, are you alive?
Doxxy : Maybe
CKness : you could be a figment like the tree
CKness : no wonder you keep arguing that the tree
CKness : is real
Doxxy : But I'm playing!
CKness : thats what the tree said too
Doxxy : DID NOT!
CKness : did YOU talk to it?
KuroKyosuke : did YOU?
Doxxy : No, but I was here!
CKness : you trying to say I didn't?
Doxxy : Didn't what?
KuroKyosuke : it's a figment of your imagination isn't it?
CKness : talk to the tree?
KuroKyosuke : how could you talk to it if it wasn't?
CKness : if its a figment it can talk
Doxxy : Did YOU?
Doxxy : XD
CKness : because its all in my head
CKness : and yours
CKness : unless you're a figment
CKness : no wait
CKness : figment can talk to figment
CKness : :D
CKness : but noo, figment has to argue that other
CKness : figment isn't real
KuroKyosuke : you're making me lose my focus >.<
CKness : pay me no mind, its all nonsense anyway
Doxxy : I thought that was the sleep deprivation.
CKness : hush XD
Doxxy : He was the one lossing focus!
CKness : I rock
CKness : >>
CKness : no telling me different
Doxxy : Fine then, be a rock.
Doxxy : Nice.
KuroKyosuke : Thanks... I suppose... (tense)
CKness : you is not a rock, doxxy
Doxxy : You're welcome... I suppose...
KuroKyosuke : D:
Doxxy : Shoulda tooken Grama's dove chocolates...
CKness : lol
CKness : that tree is real
Doxxy : Darn tree
CKness : but only that one
Doxxy : It hates me
KuroKyosuke : apply backspin
KuroKyosuke : but no powerspin
Doxxy : I forget easily to apply backsins...
Doxxy : backspins*
CKness : no back-sinning now >>
CKness : its worse than a front-sin
Doxxy : XD
CKness : but only half as bad as a sidesin
Doxxy : XD
CKness : if its a left sidesin
Doxxy : Why would I want to sidesin.
CKness : its kind of like a sidestep though
Doxxy : XD
CKness : but in a not so very much at all alike
CKness : kind of way
Doxxy : we call those powercurves.
CKness : wha? sin, not spin
Doxxy : Sidecuve?
CKness : sidecuve? issat ... err spanish?
Doxxy : no, this is the english only channel.
CKness : like that ever stopped anybody
Doxxy : It stops a few.
CKness : does my rambling really count as english?
CKness : >>
Doxxy : yes.
CKness : wow
CKness : if I go to the other channel, can I ramble
Doxxy : we'll call it british if you add a view u.
CKness : in nonsense language?
Doxxy : u's?
CKness : view the u's sire!
Doxxy : XD
CKness : they really like being watched
Doxxy : wha?
CKness : you said it first
CKness : no blame me
Doxxy : I meant add a few.
CKness : I just ran with it
CKness : so?
Doxxy : SO?!?
CKness : no take away my pointless entertainment
CKness : unless you's gonna type correct
Doxxy : I can hardly speak correct it seems.
CKness : indeed
CKness : lotta figment trees here
Doxxy : Maybe.
CKness : not maybe
CKness : my word is fact
CKness : its only real if you hit it
CKness : and only for that short time
Doxxy : That seemed real.
CKness : then its figment again
Doxxy : I hit it.
CKness : reality bends
Doxxy : NUU!
Doxxy : Not that!
CKness : not bending reality?
CKness : or you hit reality?
CKness : 'cause it hits back
Doxxy : Nor bending reality.
CKness : cause thats how it bends
CKness : like THAT
Doxxy : Like dat?
CKness : THAT
CKness : not DAT
CKness : TH GIRL
Doxxy : thwat?
Doxxy : th girl? Wha?
CKness : TH SOUNDS, girl
Doxxy : Nice
Doxxy : New mucis company?
Doxxy : music*
CKness : the time says it is RANDOM O'CLOCK
Secondly! Pictures.
Cactus with first snow of the season on it.
One of our kitties, named The Inspector by my little sister
And the next couple vereh similar posed ones of me, same room, different angle etc etc, boring.
Taken pre-going to bed after getting home from thanksgiving dinner thursday evening.