Aug 22, 2007 21:51
So, Jason and I are like... scary/creepy/crazy/whatever. -nodnod-
And my sister is just kinda annoying and bitchy-ish at times. >_>
captainkrazee: so today at work Darrell gave me a list of ads he needed me to find somewhere or scan so he could put them on the paper. I had trouble reading half the stuff on the list, but one thing said "ad on church pg" so I ask my sister, "Which ad is the church page ad?" "the.. church ad on the page.."
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: thats so fucking insightful and informative.
captainkrazee: mmmhm
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: she needs a prize. A medal... or a slap upside the fucking head.
captainkrazee: lol
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: or maybe a prybar so she can remove it from her cunt.
captainkrazee: she meant the ad with all the churches in watonga listed on it
captainkrazee: but..yeah.
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: XD
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: still, that was... wow
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: retarded
captainkrazee: I was like "uh gee... there's 3 ads on the page." While I realise that one of them is not what he referred to, since it was mentioned later on the list..
captainkrazee: Mary laughed at Karen's description
captainkrazee: -.- I said something sarcastic today. I think it was after Mary read something Darrell wrote... apologising for any errors that might be in the paper, due to reduced proofreading
captainkrazee: Mary is the proofreader
captainkrazee: and the only reason there's any less proofreading... is because he's in too damn much of a hurry to let her actually proof his news
captainkrazee: most of the time
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: >.>
captainkrazee: and in fact, it doesn't matter that this week was fucked up, he's always like that
captainkrazee: ?
captainkrazee: I got off on a tangent too..
captainkrazee: Anyway! I said something sarcastic about the proof reading and how we don't make errors
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: lol
captainkrazee: Karen responded in a way it sounded like she was taking what I said too seriously -.-
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: dear... I am never to meet her.
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: I may lose my shoes in her crotch, after I get done kicking her.
captainkrazee: "... I was being SARCASTIC" "I know" "don't need to point out facts to sarcasm" etc etc. Mary cuts in with "I have two children at home, I don't need to listen to it here" but she was kinda joking/laughing about it a little I think
captainkrazee: eh. As long as you don't spend extended amount of time with her, or are in the same room as me and her while we're working, things should be fine. >>
captainkrazee: >> can't lose your shoes in something thats never been used...
captainkrazee: and probably never will
captainkrazee: <<
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: OUCH!
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: thas a burn!
captainkrazee: XD
captainkrazee: I think you're rubbing off on me. >>
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: XD good
captainkrazee: XD
captainkrazee: not so much if get close to saying such things to her face
ThisIsMyTrueSelf: ...Oh god... I'd so dryhump your leg if you did.
captainkrazee: XD