Ice skating in the driveway!

Jan 18, 2007 00:57

» As the subject says. I mean, what else is a driveway covered in ice good for? Not driving over! Great for sliding around on. Not exactly skating, but still somehow entertaining. Gonna try sliding down the road, down a hill in a cardboard box tomorrow. =) Not like we'd have to worry about vehicles on the road. Who in their right mind would drive on a non-paved, icy road when there are highways that are for the most part, clear?

» We had an unwanted geyser from an outside faucet today, had to turn the water off until dad could fix it and wrap more insulation around it. It put some pretty icicles on a tree near by though.

» On the weather front, supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow this weekend. Hm.. Snow on top of the ice already covering the ground thanks to the sleet from last weekend.... Funfun.

» I haven't left the house since last Thursday. By left the house, I don't mean simply going outside. Unless I go skating saturday, or to grandma's on sunday, I probably won't get out of the house until.. well, who knows when. Next Thursday, weather allowing. That would make it 2 weeks completely at home. XD Thank goodness for internet and phones - I'm not completely cut off from civilization.

» Drawing, drawing. Working on another digitally colored picture, need to scan another.. My markers don't like me as it is, might as well get better at this digital stuff.

» I've taken many more kitty pictures. And one of Magic, one of the dogs. Yes, I'ma share with ya'll, too.

Thumbnail images - click to enlarge. =)

animals, art - visual, photography, weather

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