Pumpkin Called.

Jul 29, 2006 01:29

Conversation with a friend about it, 'cause I'm lazy.

Sara: wtf. Johnny called
Alex: wtf? Johnny? Why is that A-hole calling?
Sara: and he seems clueless as to why its silly to have called me
Alex: Well he never came off as being very bright from the conversations you've told me about. >>
Sara: he seems stupider now
Alex: oyyyyyyy
Sara: "why haven't we talked in a while?" "because we had no reason to talk" "did I do something?"
Alex: lmao. Are you serious?
Sara: he's got a friend there who said "he misses you!" "yeah, well too bad 'cause I don't miss him" "ooh, thats harsh!
Sara: WTF alex. He's claiming we never broke up!
Alex: ._. You can't be serious. He got another gal pregnant and got engaged and he's claiming you never broke you?
Sara: and he's claiming those things were rumors and I shouldn't believe them!
Alex: Right, considering how badly he wanted to fuck you without a condom, we shouldn't think it plausable that he'd go banging someone else once you dumped him...
Alex: << I think Johnny is pissing me off even though he's your ex...and it's not like I'm your b/f either...lmao
Sara: -snuggles-
Sara: we do have an interesting relationship
Sara: "do.. do you.. do you think we could ever start over?"
Sara: I'm shaking
Alex: Oh god, Sara. please say no. If there was a picture dictionary, under the term "Not worth it" would be his picture.
Sara: believe me I said no!
Alex: woo! ^_^
Sara: his friend was trying to tell me people can change. Yeah, I don't fucking THINK so with him
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: Believe me, you are soooo much better off not having to deal with his shit. And you deserve so much better.
Sara: I know
Alex: I'm glad that you know. ^^
Sara: ^^
Sara: I don't think I'd go back out with him if I got paid for it. >>
Alex: Good.
Sara: no
Sara: just.. annoyed/frustrated
Sara: I thought I was done having to deal with him, y'know?
Alex: I know. *hugs*
Alex: Hopefully he'll leave you alone now.
Sara: he said something about "talking to me later" x.x
Sara: so I don't think he's gotten it into his head yet
Alex: geeeeeeez. x_x
Alex: What a freaking idiot.
Sara: >> << maybe if he calls again I should tell him to call the cellphone and then three-way call with you. <<
Sara: you can claim you're my new boyfriend. xD
Alex: lmao I could. << lmao
Sara: wouldn't that be fun?
Alex: Oh yes. It would be. I personally would love to fuck with him a bit. lmao

relationship, messenger, johnny

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