I am back

Jun 12, 2007 15:16

Wow, its been so long since I posted anything here. Well keeping up with the whole my space thing, plus this. Just not me. Well, it could be if I had more to really write about. lol.
Doing ok. You would really have to go to myspace to check out what I have been up for the past couple of months. So, do that. I will be back at some pt to catch up on any questions. lol. I get so many. lol.

Right now, I am dealing with insurance issues, so can not really stay here and type. Dam insurance people. (not car, health insurance.) So many dam sick people in the world, YOU would think one could get some insurance. Freakin world, backwards I tell ya. I got to take care of this. So, I am out. Hey, JB if you read this. Hope all is well with you.

long time right???

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