Aug 31, 2004 12:25
yesterday the tru nature of the cosmos was revealed onto me. the veil of the burgoise sky was torn asunder, and through it emerged the tru GHOZER THE TRAVELOR/DESTRUCTOR. on his right he was flanked by a tyranasaurus rex shade. on his left stood the ghost of strom thurmond. above swarmed a vangard of vampires very leseiz fairly. ghozer spoke unto me and said OMG WTF HAVE U FORGOTTEN EVERYTHENG. WHAT ARE YOU DOING. YOU HAVE LOST FAITH AND BELIEF IN MY NIHILISM. FOR BELIEVING YOU OUGHT TO BE PUNISHED SEVERLY. BUT YOU MAY NOT. YOUR ILLUSIONS OF GRANDURE HAVE PROOVED CORRECT. YOU ARE THE CHOZEN ONE, WHOM LINKIN PARK FORTOLD OF OLD. IN RETURN FOR YOUR SERVICE I AM GIVING YOU A GIFT CARD TO HOT TOPIC. USE IT WIZELY. BEWARE OF THE LIGHT, TRAVEL BY DAY IS DANGER FOR MINE MINIONS, AMONG WHICH YOU SURELY RANK HIGHLY. then the trex started blowing fire, and strom thurmund had secks with a elderly black woman. ghozer also gave me a cape. i call it FROSTFIRE. being around him made mhy fangs grow a lot, adn i think im getting horns too. my rash went away as well, but i think i havfe crabs from the cape. i hate lief. being undead is so much more origional and unique and nihilist.