So its no secret that I have been a ball of busy of late, and sadly, haven't updated. I'll be brief: Still single, but seeing some people, the comedian is out of the picture, but nicely so. Legs all healed up, now just a craggy scar where a gaping hole was.
utjoshua came and stayed for a week or so, and we actually got along really well, despite some initial weirdness.. That makes me really happy, I have missed him around, although I recognize that for a while I couldn't tolerate his presence. I kind of felt bad that now that he was actually around, I was way busy and didn't get to hang much. But then again, maybe thats why things were smooth, and isn't that what being adults is all about? I have been fighting off some kind of sinus infection from hell, and a wicked case of exhaustion. Seems I am always sick, just moving from one weird thing to the next. The fact that I pack my weekends with so much crap doesn't help at all. I need to make time to rest. Definately. Why am I exhasuted? Well besides a full dance card, work is royally ricking my ass. Our new season starts in weeks, and things are changing faster than I can really keep up with. I love what I do, and feel more confident everyday, but wow, I finally understand the scale I am working on. Misinformation can break us, mouths must be kept shut. Actors quite unexpectedly after thousands of things have been printed with their faces on it, and rights to shows get lost suddenly and everything must change immediately. I live for this, I love it, but it has been an adjustment, thats for sure. I live in fear of the coming weeks, with so much going on. i know I will be fine, I always am, but there are going to be really rough spots. In related news, my insurance will finally kick in next week, and I will turn 23. My grandmother turns 83 friday. I'll never make it there, but wow, she amazes me. Soon to come: sociopolitical rants! Yay!