Title: Chlollie-Ween Fic Challenge - Back to the Future 3/?
Author: Cking1575
Fandom: Smallville AU
Pairings: Chloe/Oliver
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville/DC or the characters. I am just playing with them.
Summary: A fan fic challenge from
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Heehee I warned you that it was going to be hot! :D Thank you soo much for your help with this scene! I can not even begin to tell you how much I appreciate that you helped me to decide about this scene. As I said in the 'help post' I had wanted to keep this semi - smut free, guess that didn't happen. :D
Ooooohhhhh and I am going to warn you now, I may not be done with the Chlollie smut in this fic! FYI, I had written TWO different love scenes for chapter. I still have the other one saved here on the computer that may just end up in the next Chapter...or maybe as a stand alone, not sure at the moment but just warning you to keep your eyes open for more Chlollie smut coming from me! Heehee :D
As I said to Lilmoochie about this fic, I had wanted and planned for this to be a cute, funny, short, little one shot for her Chlollie-Ween fic Challenge and it morphed itself into this multichapter fic...go figure, sometimes these characters have minds of thier own. I am thinking that next Chapter Lois gets a bit of a shock...maybe. LOL :D
Hope you stay tuned! :D
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