Project 365, Day 176

Jun 25, 2009 21:09

Cody says "neener neener neener"
So, I went and got a second estimate on the car--guess how much it cost the second time around? $1315! Yowzas...their insurance company isnt going to pleased to hear that, but oh well. It's going to get fixed and not cost me a penny!

And get this! Someone I work with actually knows the scumbag who put the scratches on my car. I was telling the receptionist the story and she asked what wrecker service came out because she grew up in that area. She knows the family who runs it and when I mentioned his name, she knew the guy! She went to school with him and said it was an asshole--everything seemed to fit him apparently!

In other car news, I finally sold my Mercury Mariner! I put it on Craigs List for a month with a few bites, but after the post expired, I never bothered to repost it. So, it was just chillin' in the driveway for the longest time. I guess our neighbor's brother was really interested in it and took it for a drive. Tomorrow, they're going to hand me over a cashier's check and it will be theirs. One less car payment, one less car to insure--it'll be nice!

How crazy is it that Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both died today??? Geesh.

Whenever there are deaths, there are always births! Two days after my Grandpa died, Angela canadagirl gave birth to her baby boy, Tyler. Today, we had 2 celebrities die and our friends Kyle & Alaina had baby Elle! She was also born with a full head of hair--I always thought babies were bald! Shows what I know :oP We'll be in MA next month and making a pit stop in CT to visit them. R&R is going to be soooo busy!

selling the mariner, cody, car estimate, births, deaths

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