Friday after I went grocery shopping, I came home and there was a truck w/ 2 dudes in front of my house. As I backed into my garage, a guy got out and asked about the Mariner that's for sale. I hadnt been actively advertising it, but it is marked for sale and they just happened to be driving by. It was a son and father--the son had to translate for his dad, but he was interested and was talking about the price. He asked me my absolute lowest and I said $7500. He then asks, "you wont take $7k?" Um, you just ASKED me my absolute lowest--what part of that didnt you understand? They did a test drive and he dad mentioned some items in which his son translates, but I still hold firm and state that I'm perfectly willing to hold onto the car if I have to. The son says he has to come up with the rest of the money and only has $5k now. So, we'll see--I dont know how legit they were about buying, but whatevs.
Yesterday, I slept in until 10:30am which is the LATEST I've slept in for a long time. When I woke up, I had breakfast and then set out to tackle the backyard. It's literally a jungle out there with some weeks towering 3 ft and they're the ones with the sharp, spikey stems! But, I eventually got everything done and had time to spray the nasty weeds afterwards. Die, weeds, DIE!
After I was done, the bottom of my heels and my big toes were GREEN (dont hate, I wore sandals while mowing)! I showered and scrubbed, but it was still green afterwards...ugh. I had planned on getting a pedicure and for a split second, thought about cancelling because of my green situation, but...eff it, I went.
On the way out, who do I see? THE BLACK CAT I CALLED ANIMAL CONTROL ON BECAUSE OF ITS OPEN WOUNDS! I was so confused because here he was again and I knew it was the same cat because it had the same scars--at least the wounds had closed. He ran over to me and immediately started rubbing against my legs. One of my neighbors came over and said that my next door neighbor had adopted that cat (they already have 3 other cats) and they just let them roam around. She told me the back story of the cat, too. Apparently, there was a domestic fight going on and the owner THREW ACID on the cat!! Isnt that horrible??!?! Poor thing. But he seems happy and I'm glad that he's found a new home--and is nearby so he can visit :o)
formerly injured kitty chillin' in my driveway
I got my pedicure at this new salon around the corner from my house. They're a bit more expensive than the other places, but they do a nice salt scrub on your calves and feet and also do a oil massage, too. When the lady saw the bottom of my feet, she was like, "what happened?" lolol. I knew they would she was going to say something. When she was pumacing my heals with the file, you could TOTALLY see the green! hahahaha. Then, she switched with another lady who did not breathe one word to me, other than to ask if I was Japanese...why must all the Asians ask my ethnicity?
I picked a copper/bronze color because the top I had beading in that color. I'm trying new colors other than hot pink and nude pinks :oP
pretty feet! Steve says it's weird not to see so many toe rings on my feet anymore
Afterwards, I went shopping for Steve and his dentist's care packages. I came home, packed up their boxes and decided to cook me a steak for dinner. When I went grocery shopping yesterday, I usually buy chicken breast, ground beef and ground turkey, but steaks just sounded really good. I marinated it over night and grilled it--it was like indoor BBQing! I wasn't really timing it, but it cooked to a perfect medium, with a pink center--YUM!
and it even puts the grill marks on my steak
And as I was cooking, Coco was very curious and was hanging around so I snapped a quick pick of her :oP She's a cutie.
Coco, the curious Boston
After I finished, Veronica called and asked if I wanted to go over and hang out. We had made plans earlier on the week and I thought about cancelling, but decided to go. I had packed up a boat load of cake balls for them since they're my guinea pigs and both Ken and Veronica loved them! Kellen was crying because he was overly tired, but eventually fell asleep. We ended up playing a game called Scrabble Slam which Ken and I dominated. Veronica--not so much, but she blames it on being
Today, I am DEFINITELY taking my Christmas tree down (dont judge). I didnt bother in January since Steve was leaving, February didnt have time, March was all about the rental house so April it is. I'm not leaving it up all year again!