updating, it's all one blog really, more or less, of mine, anyway, who's to say where one blog ends, they all meld together, blog slime, elements of a web presence, an online "identity" which is a reflection, more or less, of one's "real" self out in the world, the real world. meanwhile I'm tired and drinking rootbeer and listening to Vervein's first cd and wondering if I will try to write or just sleep and try to get up early. it all melds, blends with my "regular" writing of course, the novel. selves, identities, characters, voices, other images and allegories reflective, pipes channeling different aspects of the writer/reader. all blending together, like guitars, harmonies.
for research on my novel I started reading Autobiography of a Yogi. It's rather compelling, actually, reminding me of Paul Brunton. Don't know what to make of the "miracles" but I just keep reading. Certainly the Kali/Goddess references ring true.