An interesting weekend.

Sep 05, 2006 21:24

So on friday I got a harried call from Mom - the phone company had come out and moved her phone line. She is moving the sign company ( to a new place. They made the line live and moved her number, but it wasn't actually going into the building. She had clients who needed to call, and was generally not doing well at the time. Now, as I am an awesome person I went north to help. Got her all hooked up on all three jacks, made some cables for Grace, got her networked all good. All good to go.

Saturday, both she and Dad come down (with the dogs) and we all work in the yard. I don't know if it's payback, or just the weekend, or just hanging out. But it was nice anyway. We get along so well together. :) After they leave, Allison and I have dinner. Post-dinner is when the real weekend begins. I get a funny feeling that develops into a bit of pain in my lower-right abdomen. It gets tender to the touch, hard to breathe deeply, and a pain to move in general.

Sunday Allison and I work in the yard picking up sticks and I work in the garage. I'm moving pretty slowly at this point as it only feels not bad if I am laying still. But it was just so *nice* outside! As the day goes on we keep taking my temperature just in case - I'm not crazy... just stubborn. A little after 8, I call the phone questions people at carle. What do they say? What's the only thing they know how to say so they won't get sued for not saying to come in? Of course! Come in! Big suprise... Oh well. We pack stuff up as I think they're going to remove my appendix.

At the er we hear some interesting characters "you people don't know what hoops you have to jump through when you're ready to die" or something to the sort. Then there's the guy with the .30 BAC who flipped his ATV, kept passing out, and bit two doctors! haha. At least the nurses are cute... So we do blood test(s), a CT scan (that was cool) and some poking. Nothing! We go home at 5 am - after about 8 hours there. I didn't need pain meds or anything, so basically if I feel bad I should go to the doctor. My appendix is inflamed or irritated or something - but not enough to take out apparently.

I am appendicitis (a dangerous condition) waiting to happen.
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