Ah, the joys of college...

Sep 24, 2003 16:31

Well school is going alright I suppose. I might drop my PE class, I haven't decided. If I do, it's cause I'm going to already have a shit load of work with my other classes and I'll need that time to do the other work.

So yesterday was fun, a friend came up to have lunch with me while I had my one hour break between classes...Then I skipped PE, and did my online english class, then spent over an hour driving to Seattle. Went and saw Matchstick Men last night with some people, it was a good movie...Although the ending was predictable in my opinion.

Today is my OV...I'd really rather skip tonights meeting, and I would if we had people to cover my offices. Plus, if everyone shows, we'll have 8 which is quorom, which we haven't
had all summer long. Eh, I'll go I suppose but I am dead tired from last night. Yeah, and Jen gave me a hickey, although accidental, it's there. But it's really small.

Well tomorrow is going to be fun! Bwhaha! Sara if you read this, be scared! Not really, I wouldn't do anything bad ;-) or would I? You know what I am going to do.

things have been pretty good lately. I'm going to be really busy with school in a few days here, cause homework will be starting. That's going to suck cause I won't be able to go over to this hot girl's house and .... What did you think I was going to finish it with? haha jk. It'll be fine, just gotta get used to doing homework again. I want to actually do good this quarter, so I'm going to try harder.

I'm going to do Fall City stuff this weekend, Friday I have a sleepover...Sat a car wash...Sat afternoon mini golf with my chapter...sat night chillin with sarah p. Sunday, homework.

My lip feels like it is cut...And my lips are REALLY chapt (spelling), and sore....Ouch, I don't know why! I've been putting hella shit on them today to keep them from drying out, but it's not working!

Well I'm going to go now. Want to get a nap in before the meeting if possible...prolly not, but hell I can try!
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