Oh, well I guess it was nice while it lasted...

Sep 17, 2003 10:41

These past couple weeks, I have had the biggest break from everything. No DeMolay, no school, just nothing. It has been really nice. I've caught up with a lot of old friends for little bits of different days, and it's just been nice not having to go look at a calendar to see how busy I am.

Well, it's now come back. School is starting on Monday, I will have a shit load of homework. Plus I'm in class till 1:30PM every day, plus an online class, plus on Tursdays and Thursdays I'll be in class till 4:30 I think. In addition to that, I receieved a communication from Snoqualmie Valley DeMolay (Fall City) - the Chapter I was helping start. They have a shit load of events coming up that they want me at. They also want me to come to all the planning sessions (there are lots) to show the boys how to plan events, then start having meetings and show them the ritual. Ok, so I think I'm going to be plenty busy again - my weekends are all booked again. Then there is Bellevue, we have some events coming up as well.
Speaking of which, I need to call some of Bellevue's prospects - I have 4 that I need to get a hold of. Chae, Nick, Mario, and Randy....Hmm I'll go do that in a little bit.

Well today I have my neurology appointment, I didn't know I had one 'till my mom told me before she left for San Francisco. Oh well. It hopefully won't be that bad...We'll see.


Well I guess Dominique is moving in with Mary soon. That is just so bizaar...I think it's a big mistake but it's her life so I'm not getting invovled. It's not as if her and I really talk anymore anyways.
Genny's moving to South Everett. She left a voicemail on my cell a few days ago but I haven't called her back yet - but her and her roomate got approved for the place. So that's cool, it's going to be a fun house warming party!
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