December days: Food

Dec 11, 2014 16:57

jack asked me to write about food.

I'll eat almost anything. Of course being a meat-eater helps, as does not having any allergies or intolerances (I was intolerant of something as a child that amounted to generally avoiding orange juice, orange-flavoured sweets, and some kind of cooking oil; I suspect it may have been tartrazine or similar, but since the symptoms involved my joints swelling up so that I couldn't walk we were reluctant to experiment too much! As far as I know this hasn't been a problem for many years, though). Of the few things I don't like: I picked up my mum's dislike of beetroot, but have been getting over that in recent years; I'm not a big fan of eggs on their own e.g. boiled or scrambled, but they're fine in their more processed forms and of course I like cake. :-) The one time I ever tried steak tartare I thought it was horrible. And after an unpleasant experience with salmonella poisoning in my teens I tend to be pretty careful about making sure chicken is properly cooked.

Really, though, almost anything people are likely to want to feed me is good. I particularly like quite strong flavours: vinegar, garlic, cheese, chilli. Nearly any Asian food (at least of the kind you might find in the West) suits me.

I'm afraid this answer is rather short and I don't tend to write very much about food on the whole, both largely because I'm a rubbish cook. I can occasionally manage very simple things, and there are one or two desserts I can make (ghoti reckons I do a mean meringue, so pavlova works well, and that was Mum's signature dessert at least until she picked up a recipe for banoffee pie). I'm hoping to get gradually more confident at this while spending time on my own with the children, though.

This post is part of my December days series. Please prompt me!
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