Arts, crafts, writing and other such endeavors

Oct 23, 2011 15:58

"Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one." Stella Adler

A couple of things went around facebook recently about the importance of the arts. That quote always sums it up for me. Not that I'm any good at things usually called art. Although I can once in a while get a photograph that I works on that level.

Writing is an art, of course, but doesn't quite fit in the same category, at least not in my head. I'm not that good at writing, either, but I get more satisfaction out of trying than I do out of attempting something like painting or drawing, or getting a camera to capture what I want. So yup, I am doing Nanowrimo again this year. I enjoy the process, and the challenge!

There are other sorts of creative work that I do that doesn't seem to fit a definition of art to me seems to rest on the notion of it being something that could turn up in an art gallery. But I am good at all sorts of craft type things, and that fits that need to create something, to make art of some sort.

The Poison Ivy costume I did for the Halloween party turned out fairly well, for something done fairly crudely. I seem to have very little patience for sewing. I know I can do well with it when I take the time. I think I just need the motivation to take that time!

The thing that I'm currently working on that I am giving time to is a cross stitch project. (It's this, actually.) I've been intending to get it done for Halloween for the past three years, I think! But this year I'm hoping to succeed. I've made quite a lot of progress lately, though part of the past week also got taken up with making the Halloween costume. I've got a week left if I want it done for Halloween. We'll see if I can do this!

How do you define "art"? What do you do creatively? For quite a few folks who might read this, I know at least some of what you do or have done in terms of creative stuff, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if you listed of the sorts of things you do and I didn't know about some of them!

life, questions, quotations, art, crafts

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