Projects in Progress

May 29, 2011 14:32

Things I'm working on, in no particular order.

Job/Career/Academia: This would be finding a job for next year, figure out the next step for a long term type of thing, and figuring out what I actually want a Ph.D. in. Because I do want one. There are sort of three completion points here. One is landing a job for the coming year. (Year in academic terms, so starting in the fall.) One is figuring out a next step for my career/longer term. If something that fills the first slot fills this, too, cool! This could be a longer term job or an academic program. Possibly both. The third is "what to do with the rest of my life" which is sort of silly because I don't anticipate ever finding one thing to do for the rest of my life. Although landing a job at Beloit or a similar college would be pretty darn close.

Get in better shape: I'm dubious about this one because all previous attempts have been frustrating to say the least. You know how everyone says "it'll get easier" in regards to exercise? It doesn't. Not for me. In fact, it gets harder. I've had several times where I have made serious effort, putting in at least half an hour on a treadmill plus a variety of other things, at minimum 4 times a week, for three or four months at a stretch. By the end, there was no improvement in in stamina, and that may have gotten worse, and the amount of distance I could cover in the time was distinctly less. Not that I'm not going to try. I'm going to get myself a bike, and ride or walk on a regular basis. Plus at least some stretching/yoga type things. I just don't anticipate it doing any good at all.

Get better at photography: That would involve taking lots of pictures. In particular, I'd like to get better with indoor and close-up/macro photography. My camera has its limitations, but I know I can do better even within those. In this, at least, I expect that practice will make a difference.

Various crafts: Complete assorted UFOs and actually use a bunch of the stuff I've bought with the idea of making certain things. Possibly including selling things on Etsy or some such.

Tarot decks: I've got two decks in the vague planning stages. One based on the moons of our solar system. Yes, there are more than enough moons for a tarot deck! The other using images of personal significance - the four suits will be using dragonflies, cats (both big and small), corvids (magpies, crows, etc.) and cephalopods (octopi, squid, etc.). Plus I need to catalog the decks I own.

Clean the porch: like ASAP. This week for sure.
Do something with the flowerbed areas out front: because they're weed city right now and I really want something that'll look nice and be low maintainance.
Organize my office: aka the pit. Organize and clean and make it usable instead of a dumping off to deal with later point.

So that's some of what I'm doing/working on right now.

Oh, and post something substantial on LJ at least once a week! Except for the week of Sirius Rising, of course, because festival week is my no-tech week!

life, plans, craft stuff, academia, career

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