The State of the CJ

May 19, 2011 23:10

Been meaning to post something like this for a while now. I've got a lot of posts running around in my head that I could type out. Maybe I will!

So the plan of getting a Ph.D. in linguistics is pretty much dead. The field and I are not as compatible as I thought, and the field is going one way and I'm going another, particularly the subfield I was most interested in. Diverging, rather than converging. Yes, it took me this long to really admit it. I hate giving up on things.

I do want to get a Ph.D., for the satisfaction if nothing else. I'm just not sure what in.

The future is a big question mark, or perhaps an assortment of smaller question marks. This is, at this point, more liberating than stressful.

The plan at this point is to use the summer to figure out what the plan is going to be. I'll be looking for a job for the fall/next year, and considering possibilities for the longer run. What I do know is that I love teaching undergrads and that is really what I want to be doing. Yes, I know, I don't need a Ph.D. to do that. I still want one. My dream job would be teaching at some place like Beloit, or even at Beloit if I should get that lucky! I'm not ruling out going overseas again. (In a lot of ways, I'd like to go live in another country for a while again. But that's a wholly different rant.) I'm not ruling out Dubai again, for that matter. Though if going overseas is the best option I would rather go somewhere new.

Life still is what happens when you're busy making other plans!

life, plans, the future, academia, naval gazing

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