What, me update?

Feb 08, 2010 13:33

So I totally suck at updating lately. I think I'll blame it on the midwinter blahs.

Over the weekend, a bunch of people posted lovely pics of the east coast snowpocalypse. I want a snowpocalypse of my very own! This winter has just been so blah. We're getting some snow tomorrow into Wednesday, according to the forecast. Which as we know is oh so reliable. We'll see if it turns into a proper snowpocalypse.

I really miss urban_exotic since she's moved to Texas! *sniffle*

We watched Smallville's Justice Society episode/movie/thing on Friday. Total geekgasm!

In other geeky news, I'm looking forward to the Burton/Depp Alice in Wonderland. Of course, I'd happily watch "Burton and Depp sit around chatting", just because they're both so weird and together, the weirdness multiplies. Also, I totally squeed when the announcement came out that Neil Gaiman will indeed be writing an episode of Dr. Who! Not for this coming season, but the one after that. Fourteen months from now, according to the announcement. Whee! Gaiman has been asked about that for years and has always replied something to the effect of "I'd love to but it hasn't been set up yet."

Also, Shadow Unit's new season has started! If you haven't found Shadow Unit yet, check it out! Unlike other shows, it's easy to catch up on since all episodes are archived online. It's a TV show that isn't a TV show. Hard to explain, but totally worth checking out!

life, geek, scifi, weather, friends

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