Bolding going forward / Still can't find reverse

May 08, 2009 19:00

I want a new Trek icon. Preferably with Sylar/Spock. Either Zachary Quinto as Spock, or Quinto and Nimoy both as Spock, or Quinto Spock and Sylar. Because Zachary Quinto is awesome like an awesome thing and his Spock is frakkin' hot.

Tonight's scifi is going to be a bit weird since the drawer with the baking pans got stuck and I couldn't get it open at all. Jim finally did when he got home, by moving the whole stove. But this delayed things in terms of baking of dessert, which will delay the bread, which will delay the pizza. But since we're not having to deal with a timing schedule of when programs come on, it's not a problem!

As for Star Trek, I loved it! My first review would look something like this:
!! !!??! !! !?!? !!!!!!!

I'm an old-school Trekkie and proud of it. I love the cheesy old episodes and the bad special effects and Kirk getting his shirt ripped off, and all of it. This movie gave me the spirit of what I love about Trek, while not being a caricature of Trek or of space operas in general. And without being too goody or sappy.

The casting is beautiful. I wasn't sure, from the stills about Bones and Scotty and Chekov. But damn, they're all very well done. Bones stole the show in several bits. Not that Kirk and Spock didn't dominate, but all the key cast got their chance to shine. Including Christopher Pike, who seems to be getting a better lot in life in this reality than he did in the other one.

Other bits I loved:
Sulu demonstrating how fencing can be useful in the oddest of settings.
A redshirt getting a heck of a death, because you knew the dude in the red spacesuit had to die.
The Romulan choking Kirk and when he gets Kirk to speak, Kirk's words are "I've got your gun" and then he uses it.
Kirk's "My name is James T. Kirk. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" moment. Though ultimately he didn't actually kill Nero.
Old Spock's appearance during Kirk's Shelob scene.
"I am not our father."
Spock and Uhura as a couple! Didn't see that one coming, but I like it!
And Uhura's first name is finally officially canon!

I want to see this one again in the theatres. And I will squee again, because it's that damn good.

scifi, star trek, baking

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