
Jan 04, 2009 22:36

Happy birthday, j_daddy!

Yesterday, I had a nasty sinus headache which didn't get manageable 'til evening. But given the weather forecasts, we ran errands in the evening so we wouldn't have to go anywhere today!

Spider goes to the vet for dental work tomorrow. Hopefully, they'll be able to fix the underlying problem instead of just treating symptoms. She's laying on my legs right now, instead of on my hands. This makes it easier to type. And my arms don't fall asleep.

I keep thinking I've got to go back to school tomorrow, but I know I've got another week off! I do need to get some work done this week, though. I've taken most of the break off from work, so I can come back to it refreshed.

I'm not taking classes this term, just working on comps papers and teaching. Which is more than enough, really.

We need to hang up the dragonfly c-stitch tawneypup made me for Yule, and the tiles we got from earthenwood. And get the poster from disarray2 framed and hung up. We know where all of these things are going to go, we just have to do it! We can get the ready-to-hang ones up anytime, really, but the poster needs to be framed first.

I'm working on odiedragon's beret now. Then I knit mine (which is a raspberry beret, of course). Then I'm making jedwardtremlett and songsofautumn Jayne hats. I'm cobbling together the pattern from a bunch of them around the net. We'll see how they turn out. Then I want to learn how to knit socks, and I have a backlog of c-stitch projects to work on as well.

Yesterday, during the errand-running, we spent the Kohl's giftcards we got from relatives. I still want one or two more sweaters, to feel like I have adequate variety. I did get a couple of really nice ones, and a sweater-jacket thingy.

I still need to download pics, go through them, and upload them to my picasa. Maybe tomorrow. Hopefully!

Spider just rolled over, squeaked, and draped her tail over one side of the keyboard. Silly kitty!

kitties, craft stuff, academia, friends, shopping, pics, house

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