Jun 30, 2008 19:15
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Tunguska explosion. Whatever it may have been. Fascinating, that. I expect the current most likely explanation will eventually be replaced by something else. Fact is that they couldn't get a proper scientific study of the area until years afterwards, and we'll probably never know for certain.
I really like the fact that there are things we'll never know. Solving some of the mysteries is wonderful, but I'm glad there always will be plenty more.
In other randomness, a couple of nights ago, I had a zombie apocalypse dream. I wouldn't say nightmare, because it was far more silly than scary. Too much like a bad zombie movie!
This morning, I had a dream that somehow crossed the Lansing Pagans with Heroes. I can't remember much, but Jason could fly, and I think Ari got Peter Petrelli's powers. Which is kind of weird, since if Jason got Nathan's power, it should be Chuck with Peter's powers.
I have no idea why Heroes got into my brain like that. Though I did see something recently that said the new season will pick up in September and have more villains, and also do some filling in of backstories.