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The current
xkcd is, I think, my favorite tribute to Gary Gygax.
Tonight's Stargate Atlantis is the season finale, which, according to hints, will be intense and one hell of a cliffhanger. The next couple of weeks, we'll probably just watch B5 or something, since SciFi is having a bit of a lull. (They're showing Jericho, which looks kinda intriguing, but they're doing it in big lumps.) Then the last week of March, they'll have these half hour specials on BSG - one's supposed to be a catch-up, I think, and the other a general "this is why BSG is awesome". They could be cool, or they could be lame. New BSG starts April 4th! New Doctor Who should be coming out soon, too, though I don't know exactly when.
Spider is washing my face, even as I type.
I think I've given up on the picture a day thing. I skipped a couple of days being uninspired, and realized that too many of the pics I have taken have been either kitties or random stuff in the house because I wanted a pic of the day. Bleh. So sometime soon, I think I'll rearrange my Picasa stuff, and make categories for baking/cooking stuff, for craft stuff, for kitties and for random stuff.
This week has been my spring break. I've been woefully unproductive. I am annoyed with myself.
I look at the ten day forecast, and the temps seem to be slowly rising, but I'm still seeing snow showers predicted. I want spring NOW! I don't know why it's getting me so bad this year. Though this winter has been lingering longer than the past two. I've certainly seen longer winters in the past, and wouldn't expect spring-like weather in Wisconsin 'til the end of March or even April. But still. Cabin fever is kicking my ass.
Maybe it's partly due to the plague, which is in the lingering-cough-that-just-won't-go-away stage. I'm fine most of the time, but I hack when I go outside, especially if it's colder (below 25 or so seems to be what does it), I hack coming up stairs carrying laundry. And I hack when reading silly posts by my wonderfully demented husband. The nutella rant just about killed me!
Oooh, I made it to the Druid-books night on Wednesday! This was very cool. Amy lent me a book so I can get into the swing of this. Keira is a wonderful storyteller! And the book Mel is reading has fascinating information about older mythologies than the ones we're more familiar with. Tracing mythology back to the primals.
I still don't know about ADF in general. I should go to a spring or summer ritual, and maybe one done by someone other than the Ann Arbor crew, just to get a better feel for the range. I think getting the protogrove going here is a really good thing. I just need to figure out if there's enough that I like about the ADF path to pursue it. Or just continue to be a druid auxiliary!
Spider has finished washing my face and found a position that she likes that still lets me type. She's draped over my lap and arm, purring. Life is good.