
Feb 25, 2007 13:33

Which is not over yet. Jim's at work at the moment, finishing stuff before they do inventory tonight. He took most of the cookies, which turned out pretty good, but need a bit of tweaking. Maybe mixing the marshmallows in the dough and rolling them in graham crackers? Have to think on it. It's an attempt to make s'mores cookies. I basically added graham crackers to chocolate chip cookie dough and then stuck marshmallows in them.

The party was fun! This place is better for large parties when the porch is usable, though.

Nick brought lovely flowers, in my favorite color of roses. I haven't opened the other gifts yet. I'll do that tonight, probably after we go out to dinner.

The hard part is going to be picking a "picture of the day" out of those pics! I got 241 pictures! Okay, a lot are blurry, and I seem to have an inordinate number of pictures of elbows. But there are plenty of good and funny ones. Sometime in the next couple of days I'm going to sort out the good ones and make a CD of them or something for folks.

I love all of my wonderful friends!

pictures, festivities, friends, baking, birthday

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