Today I also bought two spatulas (spatulae? *grin*) and a food processor. Rob says I need to get the hang of this "saving money" thing. I think he's right -- I probably could have found a used food processor, if I'd spent some time at it, though time is kinda the problem -- but I also suspect that eating my own cooking with so little waste thus far may already have gone a long way toward purchasing me this thing. It *was* nearly fifty percent off when all the discounts came in. It's one of
these, and OMG no, I did not pay THAT for it.
One of my spa-tu-lee is already noticeably yellow. To give you an idea, it started out black. Heh heh heh. The food processor has yet to be unveiled, 'cause I already had the spinach and onion chopped for the
palak paneer.
(Also today: bean soup. Onion roast going in tonight. I will be busy scrubbing a crock in 3... 2... 1...)