May 24, 2013 20:59
Stories from the career of a veterinary emergency/critical care specialist:
- In the emergency room
- Senior faculty, residents, staff techs, four fourth-year students, and at least half a dozen first-year students are present
- Patient has arrested on the table and open chest CPR is in progress
- After the requisite time doing compressions, the doctor pauses for a moment to look at the ECG
- The head tech announces loudly, "YOU DUMBASS. YOU'VE GOT THE HEART IN YOUR HAND."
Direct quote. In front of maybe 20 people.
(She was right, though. You don't need an ECG to evaluate heart activity when the organ is lying in your palm.)
I think I'll stick with general practice. I know I'll get embarrassed, probably in front of witnesses, but I am pretty sure I will never get called a dumbass when I've got a heart in my hand.