So here we are, 2011. Last year I wanted to give up multiple times. I still am not super stoked with things as they are but you know life continues. What started out as a good New Years celebration quickly turned into another tainted memory... I hate new years... that may be the reason I find myself ditched and empty on them. With the way things go for me I am beginning to be able to relate to Scrooge when it comes to the whole holiday season.
2010 was brutal. January as you can see from my previous post I was feeling kinda down. Feb the same. and it continued that way until I fell apart in august. Then i had multiple visits to doctors until I was able to feel myself leveling out.
With all of the dislike i feel for 2010 I have quite a few resolutions for 2011 which include but are not limited to (in no particular order):
- Temple recommend.
- Read more classic literature and less harry potter.
- Build a scale model or two.
- Adopt an actual sleep schedule.
- Get through the Book of Mormon
- Monthly Illustration.
- Stop Drinking Soda
- Finish Album with David, Andy, and Pops.
- Finish The Girl and the Hurricane.
- Get a t-shirt printed and sold.
- Get more freelance work.
- Keep a recovery journal for my bad addiction.
- Eat more healthy. 2 veggie meals a week.
- Get to know my grandparents better. I really know nothing of their past.
- No Grades Lower Than B
- Make more time for socializing. Church events, school events, meet people.
- Go on more dates. Get out and find a girl.
- Assess the parts of life daily and find ways to constantly better them.
That isnt all of them but all I can remember now.
Oh and the music find of the year for me would have to be Emily Wells. I really dig her tunes.
Wish me luck and happy new year. Heres hoping when we wind up here again we are all better from the next years worth of experience in life.
with what I can only classify as love