Good News & Reviews!

Apr 01, 2010 23:51

S.P. Miskowski has recently reviewed Ellen Datlow's Best Horror of the Year Vol.2 over at Shock Room, and has kindly allowed me to post the review of Dead Loss:

'"Dead Loss" by Carole Johnstone is an exquisitely detailed account of a commercial fishing expedition. This marvelous, spooky tale has now been added to the long list of reasons why I do not swim in the ocean. Never. Not under any circumstances. Don't even ask. Carole Johnstone knows why.'
© S.P. Miskowski

I also had a nice surprise a few days ago, when I realised that my short, The Blind Man (Dead Souls anthology; Morrigan Books), has been recommended by Ellen in her 2009 Summation in The Best of...

Coincidentally, Mark Deniz, publisher of Morrigan Books, has very kindly created a fan-page for me on Facebook. Feel free to have a look. Feel free to join!

facebook, the best horror of the year vol.2, dead loss, dead souls, mark deniz, shock room, morrigan books

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