(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 18:03

their land lay untouched from the nuclear fallout
the land far removed from the cities destroyed
the darkness encroached as it did in the past
and lay idylic in the light of the moon
the man and his boys went on business as normal
the dog chased the hare as it did before
the useless masks lay rotting in storage
stacked in their cases above the unused soup
the next batch of rolls tumbled hissing from the oven
their brothers and sisters already on the table
called father to mother “lets give thanks for this harvest”
and smile spread to smile
the aqua grew dimmer the light slowly fades
safety returning as time never changed
the barn proved much sturdier than the ten story building
the family more than the army brigade
our best laid plans all came udone
faster than the speed they were made
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