Jan 29, 2004 19:45
The days been long and cold....
I HAD TO go out today i though... jeeeeeeee I wouldnt have to go out in the snow today.
How WRONG i was... Me being the good samaritan that i am, is doing charity work and stuff. Im supose to be collecting money in January For RNIB- Royal National Institue for the Blind. AND.... Urm well I forgot the name of them lemme go get the paper. NBCS- National Blind Children society.
But i went with one crutch (cos im a badass and can handle the pain.) My lord it took ages to get from one side of the street to the ooother. I thought... 5/10 mins (This is me forgetting my legs bad :$) So it took about 20mins to deliver the envelopes... and this is like.... ONLY one side of the road :| !
I swear frost bit was kicking in.....i was so glad to be finished.
So i get home expecting my door to be open cos i left it on the latch. and its LOCKED!!! I had no keys!!!
So i spend about 15 mins knocking on the door....then me being a genius that i am. gets an idea *lightbulb* (not breaking a window... but it did come to mind- hehe) Use my crutch to open it from the inside.... my brothers are dumbasses!
Anyone wanna make a donation ;);)??
And i nearly died yesterday... that was fun...no actually painful... I though i wasnt going to make it home and some guy helped me home.(at about midnight) Im still ill now so im gonna go after this -sorry to all thee lovely people im talking to *inc kat and miles*- I'm so dizzy now. If i die before i wake.... tbc...
Had something to say about John....but i'll spare you....actually i just forgot! :S
Between dying, frostbite, broken leg, etc. I'm fine.... im fine
Pleas forgive the sarcasm and stuff
Oh my lord im being stalked...i gtg
oooo charmed in 15mins anyways.
Love and candy