The beauty of going in to work at 7 a.m. (unnecessarily, as it turned out) is that I managed to finish everything I needed to get done by noon. Of course, the downside is I now need a nap.
I participated in
bigbang_mixup again this year, and as is my apparent tradition arrived at the eleventh hour and suddenly thought "You know what? This would be so much better if I ______!" and ended up frantically rewriting up to the last minute. But
it is up! This was inspired by
mix, and I know there's some discussion on the subject but I believe there's a real art to putting together a narrative or thematic mix and I'm really pleased this challenge exists and that I had such an inspiring mix to work from.
Guided by the Beauty of Our Weapons (11690 words)
Elementary. Joan Watson & Sherlock Holmes. Gen.
Even for Holmes and Watson, some of the most important things in their lives take place in between cases, and adjusting to the new status quo is going to take some work on both sides.
Okay, so I'm not posting every day. I'm posting more than once a month and that's something, right? Right? :D?
This entry was originally posted at