I don't if any of you know but there have been a movement to raise money to place an ad in Variety. Well the effort has been successful. The following comes from katieore on the
Bloodlines Board. It is also mention on the
SliceofScifi.com website.
Greeting to All Blood Ties Fans
This is an official announcement on behalf of the Variety Ad Committee.
WE are elated to be able to make this announcement to all Blood Ties Fans. We did it! The Ads will officially begin running on Variety.com for five consecutive days, with the launch beginning on June 9 and continuing until June 15.
The ads will be programmed to run intermittently in the following three sections of Variety: to appear on the home page, in the film section, and additionally, in the awards section. While we realize that Blood Ties was a television production, we were advised that in order to reach the TPTB in the biz....these were the best fit options for maximum exposure. In addition, this week was chosen primarily because it is the week of the daytime Emmy’s. Our consultant considers this an ideal week for the ads to garner maximum attention, exposure and coverage for the business.
Please, remember the ads will be running on-line, they will not be stationery, they will be programmed to alternate either between one another, pop-up together, or to appear between the three pages together or apart of one another as listed above for viewing, so you may have to watch the screen(s) a bit for the appearance of one or both.
We will place the static page of the ads, as soon as, they are received from Variety for viewing. There will be a link provided to revert all inquiries directly back to:
http://www.bloodtiestv.com/ . We are also, including the link to the Variety site for your convenience:
http://www.variety.com/ We additionally, increased the impressions to a reasonable maximum, thanks in part to the generous donations of the fans.
This has been a long and arduous endeavor, but it was also a labor of love. The total amount raised was for the ads came to: $4,500.00. The Variety ads were purchased at: $3,700.00. The remaining balance of $800.00 will donated to the “Best Friends of Animals Society“, in honor of: Dylan, Kyle and Christina.
We are very excited and sincerely hope that everyone enjoys the Ads. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that the Ads can work a “Bit of Magic” for the actors and the show. This could not have been accomplished without ALL THE DEDICATED AND DEVOTED BLOOD TIES FANS.......remember “Blood Ties Fans” can still bite back!
Again, to all Blood Ties Fans “Thanks So Very Much for Your Support” of the Ads. We are very proud of the ads. We hope you will enjoy seeing them running in Variety.com.
Katieore, Ad Chairman:
Kel, Co-Chairman
and the remaining Ad Committee