(Star) ring at you

Jun 28, 2006 20:17

Shooting stars are not that special, It is just statistically plausible that you would see something enter the atmosphere after looking up long enough. But the good part of them is that hearing someone say "I've never seen one" you know they are too busy to take a breathe and look up. So people please stop, stand and look up you don't want to miss it.


This mist the anticdote to my worries
The moisture coating my throught
making it feel as if I didn't talk at all

My Volvo's trunk supporting my weight
As I felt Overwhelmed and empty
I stare at something never seen

Never seen but always there
My thoughts
playing back to me on the sky above
as a cartoon plays to a child

I sit there watching the satelite
Slowly move accross my mind
The stars pulsing show
That these things are always there
Beating but barely noticed

The cool emptiness
Feels as if the weight of the world
Is slowly tightening it's grip
On my chest

The smoke pours out of my mouth
as a gentle Niagra falls
I fall deeper into thought

Past worries gone now
Just content
Content to be here with you
gone as you are

The ring of smoke, signals
That I have had my share

I'm ready now
ready to see your face
ready to hold you, back inside
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